Support & Resources
Fresh from The Growthbeans Blog
Retrenched in Singapore.
Now What?
This article reflects my life when I was retrenched in 2016. I struggled to find meaning until I was fortunate enough to find a coach that helped me identify my values holistically. Discovering my values is like using gold to mend the pieces of broken pottery...
Our blog
What if everything that we know to be today is not the only way? What if there are alternative ways of doing and being? Visit our Growthbeans blog on all things related to Personal Development, Connections & Perspective Taking!
Resources. From us to you.
Complimentary coaching for leadersIt is difficult as it is managing change and business operations amidst uncertainty. What makes it harder is all the emotions and varied needs of our people that could be surfacing that could impact communication and productivity. To help you in managing these new obstacles, we are providing complimentary coaching for leaders to engage employees and support their well-being during the COVID-19 period.
Support. Together.
If you would like to work with Growthbeans to support the community in the aspect of well-being, self-awareness, inclusivity or employability do reach out to us for a collaboration and we would be glad to have a chat. Email us at [email protected] or drop us a private message on our social media!
If you would like to work with Growthbeans to support the community in the aspect of well-being, self-awareness, inclusivity or employability do reach out to us for a collaboration and we would be glad to have a chat. Email us at [email protected] or drop us a private message on our social media!
Our Growth Circle is a safe space for all to learn, share and grow, expand perspectives and gain self awareness. Come with an open mind and be ready to share and contribute in any way that is comfortable for you, as we explore different topics under the sun.
Ultimately, we want you to be able to be able to boost your mood, get stress off your chest and improve your general wellbeing. Come as strangers, leave as friends. Join us as we discuss different topics every fortnight!
Ultimately, we want you to be able to be able to boost your mood, get stress off your chest and improve your general wellbeing. Come as strangers, leave as friends. Join us as we discuss different topics every fortnight!