BE a COACH Member
grow and transform with growthbeans
12.50 |
per month |
Be Exposed to Diversity of Client Profiles Opportunity to 'paid'* hours and potential clients | Receive testimonials & log hours |
Receive Opportunities to Collaborate Opportunity to coach / facilitate coaching workshop (may require completion of Growthbeans Pollinator Programme) |
Be part of Growthbeans Coaches Connection Peer to Peer Coaching | Share and Reflect on Experiences | Share Resources | Experiment and Gather Feedback (Regular fixed sessions, min 12 circles / year) |
Build Friendship and Have Fun! Attend games and other bonding activities |
Build your Brand with Growthbeans Share at Growthbeans Circles | Be featured on the website** [Have your own profile page and appointment scheduling page, set your own fees, provide complimentary sms and email notification to your coachees] |
Develop and Grow in Skills 30% discount to coaching linked talks and events 10% discount on Growthbeans Learning Programmes and retreats |
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