Janice HuPersonal philosophy
Know what it is you stand for Life Goals, relationship, career
Coming soon
Janice's StoryJanice’s passion is in helping individuals find their life purpose, embrace change positively and guide them in redesigning their lives in a way that anchors them and allows them to gain self-confidence, motivation and fulfilment.
Her passion and belief extends to my other interest area as a fitness instructor. As an instructor, she helps individuals understand the importance and right techniques to build his/her own fitness, build discipline and create positive change in their health and self-perception. Her background- NLP Certified Coach,
- ICF Trained - ACLP Trained - Trainer, Facilitator - Fitness Instructor After almost two decades, she left a career in central banking to re-design her own life in a way that will make me feel more complete. Janice has a Masters in Human Capital Leadership which helped her open her eyes to the latest thinking, models and practices in people development. More importantly, it allowed her time to reflect and seek out my purpose in life. |
Her Coaching Style & PhilosophyVibrant, Relational, Empathetic
To truly experience growth and fulfilment in life, Janice believes one needs to first uncover and acknowledge our own blind spots, discover ourselves for who we are and the values that we stand for. Only then can we find our strengths, life purpose and create positive and sustainable change in our lives. Her Coaching Specialty & expertiseLife Goals, Relationships, Career
Janice challenges your beliefs and points out patterns in your narrative. What inspired her to coachThe desire to help others to grow inspired her to become a coach