About us
Growthbeans squad
Founders' Story
What We Offer
Wellbeing Card Games for Self Discovery
Workplace wellbeing, engagement and people development
Growth Circles Tool
Growth Facilitator Training
Self Awareness Programmes
Find your ikigai SG
Career, Motivations And I
Resilience & Wellbeing
GRO! with Resilience
Beantastic: Cope Well, Stress Less
Manage Stress, Build Resilience
People Skills & Leadership
Growth Facilitator Training
Develop Your Mentors
Become A Self-Aware Leader
Neurodiversity Programmes
ADHD, Coping and Self-Management Strategies
Empowering Students Living with ADHD
Coaching Services
Customisable Workshops
Join Our Movement
Events & Impact
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Self Awareness Festival 2024
Self Awareness Festival
Global Wellness Day
The Growthbeans Blog
Contact Us
About us
Growthbeans squad
Founders' Story
What We Offer
Wellbeing Card Games for Self Discovery
Workplace wellbeing, engagement and people development
Growth Circles Tool
Growth Facilitator Training
Self Awareness Programmes
Find your ikigai SG
Career, Motivations And I
Resilience & Wellbeing
GRO! with Resilience
Beantastic: Cope Well, Stress Less
Manage Stress, Build Resilience
People Skills & Leadership
Growth Facilitator Training
Develop Your Mentors
Become A Self-Aware Leader
Neurodiversity Programmes
ADHD, Coping and Self-Management Strategies
Empowering Students Living with ADHD
Coaching Services
Customisable Workshops
Join Our Movement
Events & Impact
Upcoming Events
Past Events
Self Awareness Festival 2024
Self Awareness Festival
Global Wellness Day
The Growthbeans Blog
Contact Us
Coach Sign up page - refer me coachees
Thank you for completing the form below. This information will not be utilised for any other purposes other than to get you coachees. The information that will be made public are options 1, 5, 7, 9, 10.
Indicates required field
1. Name
2. Email
3. Contact Number
4a. Are you a certified coach?
Undergoing Certification
4b. Which organization body did/will you get your certification?
ICA, ICF, etc?
4c. Coaching Rates
Willing to do some pro-bono
If Others, state your coaching rates below.
5. Prior Industry / Work Experience?
6. Please select the arrangements you are comfortable with for coaching.
10% commission / $15 (whichever is higher) per coaching session
$25 / month listing fee
$120 listing fee to be paid every 6 months
If Others, please state what
7. Upload Your Picture Here
Max file size: 20MB
8. How old are you?
<24 years old
24 - 30 years old
31 - 35 years old
35 - 40 years old
41 - 45 years old
45 - 50 years old
51 - 55 years old
55 - 60 years old
>60 years old
9. How do you want to be introduced?
Please provide a short description of yourself, and how you can support coachees. 100-200 words.
10. Please list your areas of expertise / specialisation
Are there areas that you focus on? Can be skills based coaching too.
11. Pick all options that you feel best represents you
I love a good challenge
I like to be recognized for what i do on a regular basis
I want to help others grow
I can empathize with those around me easily
I am driven to excel
I am loyal to my friends
I am a good communicator and listener
I can thrive well under pressure
I will get bored and frustrated if my work becomes a routine
It is important that i am surrounded by a passionate team
I respect everyone regardless of level and position
I do not like to be told how to do my work
I am a doer
It is important that i am rewarded/recognized well if i have delivered an excellent job
I will feel guilty if i am not giving my all
I need to know the 'why' before i do something
I like to see the impact of my innovations
Doing good is more important than making money
I like to be in control
I do not like bureaucracy
I prefer not to be in charge
I believe everyone is a leader
I deliver the best work when i am incentivized right
I am genuine, positive and lighthearted.
I tend to set ambitious goals for myself
I believe I am doing well if I am successful at work
Know of someone else who might be interested in this? Let us know their name and how best we can reach out to them!
Also Interested in mentoring others?
Skip this section and go straight to the submit button if this is not of interest to you.
I. Would you also be keen to be a mentor?
II. People can speak to me about....
Cross-cultural Communication
Confidence building
Management - how to manage upwards
Handling People and office politics
Conflict management
Team Building
Finding a path
Building a Company
Designing a Career
Developing Systems
Digital marketing
Developing a personal brand
Government/Corporate Relationships
Industry Knowledge
Understanding an industry
Understanding a market (country)
If Others, please state what
III. As a mentor, how would you wish to be appreciated?
Buy me a meal
Write me a testimonial
Teach me something
Buy me a gift/voucher
Pay me for the time
If Others, please state what.
IV. Preferred Mode of Communication? Select all that applies
Face to Face
Phone Call
If Others, please state what
V. Preferred duration for the mentoring relationship?
One session
1 month
3 months
6 months
If Others, please state what